Bringing Mental Immunity to the Classroom
It's "Back to School" time and the Mental Immunity Project is here to help
As the days of summer dwindle, and teachers and students get ready to return to the classroom, the Mental Immunity Project is excited to continue developing and sharing our work designed for educators and students. 📚
Lesson Plans 🚀
If you’re a middle or high school teacher looking for some extra fun ways to teach students powerful thinking skills, you’re going to love our new lesson plans. If you’re a parent, leader, or educator of any other kind, we think you’re likely to find value in exploring what our lesson plans have to offer too.
There are 4 lesson plans up now with more on the way, so stay tuned! 📻
What We’re Up to
As part of our effort to bring mental immunity to schools, we’re doing our best to make it to some conferences and host workshops.
Andy Norman (CIRCE Executive Director & Founder) will be giving a talk to AILACT, the Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking (Sept 13)
Melanie Trecek-King (CIRCE Education Director) and Andy will give a “Defense Against the Dark Arts” workshop for aspiring journalists at the Center for Media Innovation’s Newsapalooza (Sept 27, Pittsburgh)
Melanie and Andy will give a 3-hour “Defense Against the Dark Arts” train-the-trainer workshop to the Williamsville Central School District (Oct 3, Williamsville NY)
Luke Johnson (CIRCE Operations) will be giving a presentation about the Mental Immunity Project’s resources for teachers at the NAMLE Media Literacy Resource Showcase (Oct 5, online)
Melanie and Andy will give two talks at the Science Teachers Association of the New York State (STANYS) Conference in Syracuse, NY (Nov 1-4)
Melanie will be speaking at the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Conference in New Orleans (Nov 6)
If there’s a conference we should know about or if you'd like to book a workshop, please reach out. You can contact us at
What Works Page 2.0: For Learners 🧠
Many of you are probably familiar with our What Works to Build Mental Immunity Series, which started here and has since been integrated into our website as a resource for teachers.
We’ve now created a second version of our What Works page for a general audience. The collection of modules is smaller but includes only the topics that we believe have the most value outside of the classroom with content modified to better suit a general audience.
Engage With Our First Substack Thread
We recently posted the following question for you all to reply to:
“What should we write about? Bear in mind that as a 501c3 nonprofit we are obliged to avoid politics.”
We’ve gotten a few responses (thanks to those of you who responded!) and invite those of you who missed it to respond if you have input.
What We’re Reading 📚
NewsGuard’s Reality Check, Russian Deep Fake: “Obama” Admits Dems Planned Trump Shooting
After Babel, The Surgeon General Has New Social Media Guidelines. Minnesota Already Made Some of Them Into Law.
Maarten Boudry, The Tyranny of Victimhood